High stability 10ppm/Hr
· ultra-low noise 10ppm
10 PPM / ℃, ultra-low temperature drift
· ultra small volume
· external voltage setting output voltage
·RS232 SPI port sets the output voltage
· up to 88% efficiency
· low heat in operation
· can be isolated and output bipolar
· customizable according to user's requirements
Profile: the HQ series is the output voltage of 0v-2kv, and the output power is 0.2w-5w micro module. It is miniaturization, ultra low noise 10 PPM, high stability of 10 PPM/Hr, ultra-low temperature drift 10 PPM / ℃, 6 surface shielding, etc. All models of the power supply are provided with external reference voltage programming, monitoring, arc, short circuit and overload protection. You can also use the RS232 SPI interface to control the module and get the module state. The efficiency is as high as 88%, especially for handheld devices, longer use time, low temperature at work, and sensitive application to temperature drift.
Typical application: mass spectrometry, photomultiplier tubes, micro channel plate, proportional counter, geiger tube, avalanche photodiode, solid-state detector, ionization chamber, gas chromatography, electron multiplier detector, nuclear instrument, electrophoresis, DNA sequencing, radiation counter, electron beam and ion beam and high voltage offset, compression test, precision lens imaging, enhancer, semiconductor testing, electrostatic discharge testing ESD, pulse power supply, capacitor discharge, life sciences, medical chemical industry, scientific experiments and industrial applications.